Our client for this project was a tea store sellingĀ  exclusive and premium tea blends. They take pride in their very knowledgeable staff and believe that tea shopping should be an experience.
Design CHallenge
Being a store that sells exclusive and premium tea blends, the loose-leaf tea needs to be the star. The retail store must highlight the blends and give an opportunity for customers to learn and experience the fine teas. Space shall be allocated for tea storage, and tea ware while presenting itself in an upscale manner. The store should produce a dramatic and multi-sensory experience for customers.
Design Solution
A contemporary and minimal design allows the tea to speak for itself. The premium tea is emphasized through the use of highly ordered displays, and clean lines. A dramatic mood is created by use of dim-lighting, and bold, natural and contrasting materials representing the high quality of loose-leaf tea sold in the store. A multi-sensory experience is available for customers to enjoy the aromatic tea as they learn about and purchase the tea in bulk.
Exterior Entry
Exterior Entry
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Brew Bar & POS
Brew Bar & POS
Tea Smelling & Storage
Tea Smelling & Storage
Tea Storage
Tea Storage
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