Users, Needs, and Research
The Target Users
Our target users are adults aged between 25-54 years, who often feel stress or burnout due to work and daily life influences.
The chart shown below reflects data collected from the Canadian Social Survey: COVID-19 and well-being produced by StatsCan. This information indicates that the largest age group of individuals feeling high levels of stress to be within the ages of 35-44. While this is a very specific age range, we would like to target the top 3 groups with the highest reported stress levels as our target audience  (Statistics Canada, 2021).
User Values & Identified Needs
Our target users value taking time for themselves, which they are rarely able to accomplish. They value peace and quiet, where they have the opportunity to clear their mind and pause the stress affecting them in their day-to-day life.
- An understanding of how stress can present serious health complications
- A knowledge of beneficial coping mechanisms and an understanding of how to employ them
- Time and space dedicated to focusing on mental and physical wellness
- The ability to practice wellness rituals either individually or in group settings
Digital Research 
Statistics provided from the “Canadian Social Survey: COVID-19 and well-being” indicates that men and women of all ages reported to feel high levels of stress on a daily basis. With the highest levels of stress being reported within the age group of people aged 35-44, age groups of people 45-54, and 25-34 follow afterwards. While men and women reported stress similarly, women have reported a higher stress level with a 9.3% increase over men (Statistics Canada, 2021). 
Research executed by the Heart & Stroke Foundation and Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) have identified physical activity to be a beneficial resource when it comes to managing and lowering stress levels; stating that physical activity aids in coping with stress by clearing your mind, reducing tension, and increasing energy. It is recommended by the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines that adults should partake in a minimum of 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of physical activity (from moderate to vigorous intensity) weekly. Alongside physical activity; yoga, meditation, stretching, maintaining a healthy diet, and receiving adequate rest will all help to cope with stress we as people feel (Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, 2022).
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have indicated that stress sets off an alarm in the brain, affecting the nervous system which can lead to serious health issues including cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disease, psychological disorders, workplace injury, suicide, cancer, ulcers and impaired immune functions. These serious health issues are not always caused by stress, however it is noted that healthcare expenses are 50% greater for those with higher levels of stress (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2014).
The information above has helped us to define our end-user demographic. With the current research we have been able to identify how common stress can be in adults and the implications it can have to our health and wellbeing. We have also began to accumulate scientific research of what our users need; thus guiding us to potential solutions and desired outcomes that will benefit our users through human centered design.
Research Interview
survey in which was conducted via a virtual call was with an adult male who regularly works on their physical wellness exercising at the gym. From our discussion in which I asked 5 questions for a deeper understanding of his thought process, I was able to identify an area of concern amongst those with fitness routines. Th participant indicated that one of the greatest concerns of maintaining physical wellness in a new place is the disorientation experienced due to different equipment, organization, and layout. While this is not something that will ever be perfect, it is goof to note that a variety of equipment is needed to suit a variety of people. Mentioning that he prefers to partake in fitness routines amongst others in gym environments, I wonder how we can make a space within a suite seem ideal or at least another option for guests who may not typically enjoy public spaces for physical activities.
Identified Problem
Many adults are feeling stressed, overworked, and burnout now more than ever due to the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and its affect on stress, mostly stemming from work. Working adults tend to be very busy and have little time to focus on themselves and their wellbeing, but also do not know how to take care of themselves with proper coping techniques and strategies that are truly beneficial.
A large number of adults today face high levels of stress on a daily basis. Some of which was caused by the aftermath of COVID-19, and its effect on the workplace. Research by the CDC links stress to serious health implications that can pose risk on our bodies. A great way to cope and mitigate stress levels is physical activity. The hearth and stroke foundation of Canada details how spending a small amount of time for vigorous activities weekly can significantly boost our mental and physical health.
These identified adults who are facing high levels of stress on a daily basis are likely to be very busy and not have much time to focus on their mental and physical wellbeing, nor will they all likely have pre-existing knowledge of exercises or coping mechanisms to deal with stress.
Our goal is to create a product for people to use for exercise that is easily understood and allows for multiple exercises while not requiring a full gym set up.
Our Question
How might we condense workout machines and equipment into an easy-to-use system that is compact, aesthetically pleasing and suitable for a hotel guest suite?
Targeted Exercises To Include
Cable Exercises - Bent-Over Row, Woodchopper, Bicep Curl, Triceps Extension, Lat Pulldown
Non-Cable Exercises - Bulgarian Split Squats, Tricep Dips, Chair Taps, Elevated Mountain Climbers
Brainstorming Conclusions
The above brainstorming helped me to let ideas flow without judgement. I was then able to take these ideas and think of how they could be implemented which led be to an ottoman/chest idea which would hold equipment. Expanding further on that idea, I thought why hold the equipment, how about instead the furniture is the equipment?
With that came two main ideas:
- A bench-like furnishing that would have handles that create a cable work out machine. This would allow for a few exercises and look like an ordinary piece of furniture.
- With the aim of going bigger - we took the bench and put it in a wardrobe. This allows for the same exercises where a cable feeds from the bottom, and exercises that do not use wires such as chair dips or Bulgarian split squats. However this also adds more exercises with a second upper bar. This wardrobe additive can looks like any built-in bench seat and storage unit, but offers equipment that can easily be used for physical activity within a small footprint.
Preliminary Sketches
The final product is an additive piece that has the opportunity to integrate with new or existing millwork within a hotel guest suite. The millwork piece will be constructed of wood or have a wood finish, the seating cushion can hold any fabric to align with hotel branding, and the upper and lower bars are to be a metallic finish.
The furniture piece features a bench area that can be hidden behind doors that recess into the furniture to provide zero obstruction. Both the upper and lower bars are metal, and each end has textured grip for ease of use. The bar itself is split into 3 segments. The left and right ends are operable and will pull out from their place, where as the center bar is fixed. These bars are attached to weights concealed within the back of the millwork piece.
In addition to its capabilities of being used for physical activity purposes, the piece would also allow for guest storage and other modules to blend in with. Within the concealed bench area is the opportunity for artwork, a tv/monitor, or coat hooks.
The images below follow along the journey of further refinement and ideation of our product. We have considered ideal placements of cable bars in relation to the millworks appearance and human scale.
Upon reviewing each iteration, and speaking with people who do use gym equipment on a regular basis. Instead of having several bars throughout that would likely intrude on the appearance and area of the millwork piece, we came up with the solution of implementing a track that would allow users to not only customize bar eights to suit their height and body types, but also lower the quantity of bars needed to execute various Exercises. We determined that the placement of a track for weight bars is not suited best along the backside of the inner area. This is due to the possibility of causing damage to the display screen as well as comfort of our users. Instead we opted to have a track along the top and sides of the inner area.
As we went on to further refine our product we came to this end conclusion.
As it stands, the millwork piece is an innovative and modular component that can be combined with other typical built-in pieces commonly found in hotel suites such as wardrobes or desking units. The product itself is to be constructed out of tubular steel to ensure safety and stability. It would be enough to support the workout equipment and allow for wall mounting support. This is to ensure safety of all users as they will be using it within their guest suite alone. In the back core of the unit is space for electromagnetic (digital weight) cable systems. This is a newer technology being used that uses magnets to simulate the effect of real weights. This not only reduces the weight of the unit, but also would allow for a quieter fitness experience where the clashing of weights will not exist. Around the unit is a Formica (Or similar) high performance laminate that is able to withstand everyday use of the product and have the capabilities to follow the branding of the hotel it is located on. Similarly an upholstered cushion that is similar density and support to a bench found in a gym provides users with a seating area to preform exercises, or simply tie their shoes while also allowing to have a branded appearance per hotel aesthetics.
For the cable equipment itself, it has been placed along a track for greater flexibility and reduced need for additional equipment. The cable bars will be able to lock into set positions, allowing for the users to set them to a height that suits their needs. They also are able to shift along the track to an upper bar position, all while staying connected to a user-controlled digital weight in the back of the millwork unit. A secondary and separate lower bar allows for further exercises that the track is unable to produce. In addition, a bench which allows users to sit on and tie their shoes, store luggage, or other holiday uses, is designed to not only allow users perform seated exercise routines, but also fosters exercises that can be done without cables typically involving a chair or raised surface.
The result is a millwork unit that has an aesthetic appearance and can easily be located within any hotel suite to match any hotel branding. Furthermore, the unit has potential to be located within a home should people wish.
Final Results
Millwork Piece
Millwork Piece
Structural Core
Structural Core
Upper Pulldown
Upper Pulldown
Side Pullout
Side Pullout
Lower Pullup
Lower Pullup
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